Segle XXI

La soledad del atleta (1992) / Citius, altius, fortius (1992)

The Solitude of the Athlete (1992) /Citius, altius, fortius (1992)

The long artistic career of Mariano Rubio (Calatayud, 1926) is characterised by the absolute coherence that arises from his affiliation with renaissance ideals applied to art, not only in his pictoric and graphic output, but also in his work as a teacher and in his extensive work as a student of graphic art.



The democratisation of the political system which facilitated internal artistic development and international relations, together with the intense commercialisation of the artistic phenomenon, resulted in the strong development of plastic arts during the 80s. However, enthusiasm waned in the final decade of the century, although the work and quality of the artists did not.